constructive algorithms implementation math *2200

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Python Code:

def next_value(value):
    if (value < 9):
        return value
    base = 1
    while (base * 10 + 1 <= value):
        base = base * 10 + 1
    cur = 1
    while (base * (cur + 1) <= value and cur < 9):
        cur += 1
    return base * cur
def list_del(value):
    mp = {}
    while (value > 0):
        n_value = next_value(value)
        value -= n_value
        curval = mp.get(n_value) is None and 1 or mp.get(n_value) + 1
        mp[n_value] = curval
    return mp
x = input().split()
p = int(x[0])
q = int(x[1])
revAfter = p < q
beginStr = ''
if (abs(p - q) & 1):
    beginStr = '5000000000000000002'
    beginStr = '6000000000000000002'
revStr = beginStr[::-1]
begin = int(beginStr)
rev = int(revStr)
razn = (abs(begin - rev) - abs(p - q)) >> 1
ans = str(begin)
for k, v in list_del(razn).items():
    ans += '+0-' + str(k) + '*' + str(v) + '+0'
for k, v in list_del(abs(begin - razn - max(p, q))).items():
    ans += '+0-' + str(k) + '*' + str(v) + '-0'
if (revAfter):
    ans = ans[::-1]


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